Bathroom Procedures

Aug 07

Just thought I'd share my classroom bathroom procedures with everyone who teaches lower elementary grades. The past two years it's been super simple...if a child needed to go to the bathroom other than classroom breaks, they would have to ask me and I'd pair them with another kiddo. The catch is a boy has to go with a girl and a girl has to go with a boy. Why? Well this way they can't play around in the bathroom together! This has worked great for me. This year I'm modifying it a little. I bought plastic bathroom passes from the teacher store. I had seen other teachers do this at my school but it kinda grossed me out when the kiddos would take them into the stalls with them and they'd get dropped on the floor, left in the bathroom, and so on...picking up tons of icky germs! But here is my take on it: once I've okayed the kids to go, they leave the passes on their desks so it reminds me of who went. No germs on the passes and no getting left in the bathrooms.

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Anonymous said...

I love this idea! I'd seen it before, but I'm happy for this reminder. Have a great year!

Anonymous said...

That's a good procedure. Not only did my bathroom passes get dirty and germy in the bathroom, but they also would often get lost or damaged (particularly the boys' pass)!

I noticed that your blog is called the "thrifty" teacher, so here's a tip: (this is true for MN, I don't know if it is for CO but i would assume so), they sell bathroom passes at Target in the summer in the dollar section. I know the ones at the teacher stores can be $2-5, and that's a little spendy for me, especially since I had to buy multiple ones because my second grades kept losing or damaging them. But picking up 4 for $4 was no big deal. So you might be able to pick up some cheaper passes at your local discount store, if you ever find yourself in need of a replacement.

Carissa Peck said...

Cute! I don't have seating charts so I have students right their name ofn a pass (they only get so many) and then they give it to me when they go. I keep the pass on my desk (with their name) so I know. Easy peasy! Here are some more bathroom ideas for teachers

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I'm a first grade teacher on a military post in Colorado. My job is great and I couldn't imagine doing anything else!
